Únete a la movida del
pensamiento libre
Before March 1, 2024 we want to implement It'stimetothink in:
Transform all the cities of Spain
It'stimetothink currently has ZERO employees, and more than SIXTY volunteers who altruistically dedicate their time to the project. Nobody earns a €. We are all united by a mission: Transform Europe, promoting free thought.
Our objective: to create spaces where people think freely in all Europe. We are currently at 4 countries, although we have received requests for more than 15. However, we cannot always attend to them due to lack of budget. Entering a city requires an initial investment of €1,500, an investment that we cover with private donations.
€500 in material.
€400 in trips by veteran volunteers to train volunteers in new cities.
€600 in speakers and venue for the first 3 thinkglaos.
The tickets are intended to finance the food and drink consumed in the thinkglaos, with €6 being the starting price in new cities (includes an open bar of dinner, soft drinks, wine and beer).