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Alvaro González-Alorda

Be passionate about life

Álvaro is an inspiring man, passionate about life and knowing the beauty of existing in a world of sharks where superficiality abounds... Yes, you have thought about it too:

It innately carries the essence of it's time to think

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Inner world: Self-knowledge

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Business transformer with innovation

Through mentoring, conferences on innovation and management and his numerous books he goestransforming companies, but above all, the lives of people.

Is Professor of InnovationofISEM Fashion Business Schooll, associate professor at the Instituto de Empresa and visiting professor at other business schools in Spain and America. He teaches classes in a large part of Latin America (Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico...) and has collaborated as a speaker, consultant or facilitator of management teams withmore than 100 companies in 20 countries.

He has trained at the University of Navarra and IESE Business School, and has completed a research stay at Harvard Business School. He is the author of the books “The Next 30 Years” and “The Talking Manager”, ''Head, Heart and Hands'' and ''Riverview'', a novel about which we were lucky enough to hear first-hand about his first thinktalk .

Half a life in search of a habitable heart

(See all thevideos of thethinkglaos)

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